Our Altar Servers have received special recognition at Parish Level of the Enrolment of the Guild of St Stephen.
Our Altar Servers have received special recognition at Parish Level of the Enrolment of the Guild of St Stephen.
We are excited to announce the launch of a new Lectionary in England and Wales, set for Advent 2024. This significant update is part of an ongoing effort to revise liturgical translations, ensuring that biblical texts are more faithfully rendered from the original languages and easier to proclaim during services. The Lectionary is a vital…
A special event has honoured young parishioners for their dedicated service for helping in our Parish.
The Archdiocese of Southwark recently celebrated its 46th Annual Altar Servers Mass & Rally, a significant event attended by over 400 altar servers from 30 parishes. This year, St. Joseph’s Bromley Parish was honoured to be chosen to serve as the main altar servers at the sanctuary.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales will host “Adoremus at Oscott” on 14 September 2024, aligning with the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador.
By DEACON BARRY This weekend we said goodbye to Fr Peter and we await the arrival of Fr Saju this coming Wednesday. Looking back to September 2019 when we met Fr Peter for the first time, we did not realise the extent of the challenges that we would face together – probably the greatest challenges…
Fr Peter is moving to a new Parish and a new Parish priest will be starting in Bromley from 1 May.
This summer, our Parish came together for our annual One Parish Mass at Aylesford Priory. Fr Peter celebrated Mass, which was followed by a social picnic.
By FATHER PETER MURPHY Over the past week, Friday in particular, we have commemorated the events of Our Lord’s suffering and death. This Sunday, we are celebrating His Resurrection: He must have Risen some time during the night, since the Gospel Reading tells us that when the women went to the tomb, very early in…
There are very few words to describe my Ordination into the Priesthood on 1 October. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your love and support and joy.